
Become a part of something great!

Membership is free for all residents of the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand. Visitors to the area are welcome to join for a small fee. You may register as a member at any of our 3 branches by bringing proof of your address. If you are under 14, you will need a parent or guardian's signature and proof of their address. A non-resident fee of $10 per person or $20 per family will be charged for persons living in other Townships.

Becoming a member is your door to a world of knowledge, entertainment, and community.

    • You must show current identification with your name and current address.

    • Non-residents or Visitors may purchase library memberships for the following prices:

      • Per Person: $10.00 annually

      • Family Membership: $20.00 annually

    • Documents are used to verify name and address only. No other information on the document(s) presented is kept on record.

    • A valid Ontario Driver's License is acceptable for both name and address verification.

    • Otherwise, two documents will be required, one from each of the following lists, in order to provide both acceptable identification and acceptable proof of address

    Acceptable Identification

    • Health card with photo

    • Citizenship card

    • Passport

    • Student ID card

    • OAS (senior's card)

    • Employer-issued photo ID card

    • BYID (from the LCBO)

    Acceptable Proof of Address

    • Any Benefit Statement issued by the Government of Canada

    • Bank account statement

    • Utility bill (telephone, hydro, water, gas, cable TV)

    • Motor vehicle permit

    • Mortgage, rental or lease agreement

    • Property tax assessment or bill

    • Insurance policy (property, auto, life)

    • Employer record (pay stub or letter from employer)

    • Secondary school, college or university report card or transcript

    • Please report lost or stolen cards immediately.

    • Any item signed out on your card is your responsibility.

    • Replacement card cost: $1.00

    • Library cards expire three (3) years after registration.

    • We will ask you to verify your contact information to renew your membership.

    • All outstanding material must be returned to renew your membership.

    • Please report any address or telephone number changes as soon as possible.

Loan Periods




Audio Books


Kits of all Types

Ontario Park Passes


21 days

21 days

21 days

21 days

21 days

7 days









  • Overdue fines will no longer be applied to your account and items without holds will be automatically renewed, but you are still responsible for returning everything you borrow. Please do your best to return your items on time, as someone else may be waiting for them.

  • To encourage quick returns, reduce wait and hold times, and increase community access to materials, accounts with items 14 days overdue will be blocked.

    After 21 days overdue, members will be billed the value of all outstanding items, plus a $4.00 administrative fee per item.

  • Library members with blocked accounts will not be able to borrow any additional material until overdue item are returned.

  • Simply bring the overdue items back. There will be no late fines and full access to library material will be restored.

  • We will no longer charge overdue fines on any item, but replacement costs will still apply for lost or damaged items.

  • You are responsible for your borrowed items. If an item is lost or damaged, you will be charged the replacement cost for the item and the $4.00 administration fee.

Overdue Fine Free

Renewing Items and Placing Holds

Printing Fees:

Black and White printing / Black and White Copy - $0.25 per page

Colour printing / Colour Copy - $0.50 per page

Fax - $1.00 for first page; 0.25 per additional pages

Scan to email - $0.15 per document

Contact Us

Centreton Branch

Centreton Community Hall
2363 County Road 23
Grafton, ON
K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2976

Bette LeBarr (Grafton) Branch

718 Station Street, P.O. Box 12
Grafton, ON
K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2424

Roseneath Branch

Alnwick Civic Centre
9059 County Road 45, P.O. Box 90
Roseneath, ON
K0K 2X0
T. 905-352-3876