Grafton Green Thumbs

About Us

Grafton Horticultural Society is dedicated to improving the beauty of the Grafton area. Members maintain four gardens in the community - Wicklow Memorial Park, Haldimand Court Apartments, Town Hall and Grafton Heritage Park. In 2008 the Society created the Grafton Heritage Park in the centre of the village which includes native, rock, woodland and scented areas as well as historical information.

Our Horticultural Society was renamed in 2002 to the Grafton Horticultural Society due to the amalgamation of the Alnwick and Haldimand Townships. The original society was organized and named South Haldimand Horticultural Society on April 9, 1925 and then renamed in 1996 to the Haldimand Township Horticultural Society.  We rebranded ourselves to Grafton Green Thumbs in 2018. The first President was William Heenan, a local greenhouse operator, and Mrs. J.C. Hutchison the first Secretary. The first flower show was held on August 29, 1925.

Our meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at St. Andrew's United Church, 137 Old Danforth Road, Grafton at 7:00 p.m. for refreshments and fellowship with meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. We have interesting speakers, two flower shows and a plant sale.

Please join us at our monthly meetings and special events.

2023 Programme

January 10 – Chili Supper

“Slide Show – Year of the Garden”

February 14 – Charlie Dobbin

“Designing for Shade”

$5 guest fee (to Fair Share)

 March 14  – Gladys Fowler

“Raised Vegetable Gardening”

April 11 – Dave Evans, We-Fix-U

“Safe Gardening Tips”

May 9 – Bev. Silk

“How to Enter a Flower Show”  

May 13 – 9:00 a.m. – noon

Society Plant Sale

St. Andrew’s U.C.

June 13 – 6:30 p.m.

June Flower Show

7:30 p.m. 
Hayley Goodchild
Peterborough GreenUP
“Rain Gardens”

September 12 – 6:30 p.m.

Summer Flower Show

7:30 p.m. – Speaker:

Connon Nurseries


October 10 – Michael Erdman

Houseplant Clinic”

November 14 – Ursula Eley

“Easy Centrepieces for Special Occasions”

AGM & Election of Officers

December 12 – 5:30 p.m.

Christmas Pot Luck & Awards

Youth Program

We have a youth program which has been active since 1969. They currently meet at Grafton Public School in the greenhouse and are fortunate to have been given an area on the school grounds for a garden where we have seven raised beds.  Vegetables grown in the garden are donated to Fare Share in Cobourg.

Awards Evening

Barbara Stanners

Youth awards are presented in October during our Society's regular meeting. The adult competition awards and prizes are presented in December during our Christmas pot luck.

Social Events

The Society's annual programme includes opportunities to share a meal with and get to know fellow members. For a small fee you can enjoy delicious chili supper in January which includes a speaker.  There is a summertime pot luck held at a member's home and a Christmas pot luck dinner.


  • A Society can nominate one person per year for this certificate.

    The criteria for this award are ten or more years of active membership in a Society, service on Society committees, contributing time or effort to community improvements, encouraging membership enrollment, inspiring horticultural efforts of individuals or groups and having shown sincere interest in and supporting the objectives of a Horticultural Society.

    The following people have received this certificate:

    Service Certificate Recipients

    • Joan Chalovich - 1978

    • Doug Johnston - 1989

    • Marianne Pitchler - 1996

    • Carol Cragg - 2000

    • Bertha Beatty - 2001

    • Shirley Johnston - 2002

    • John Liptay - 2003

    • Gordon Ficko - 2004

    • Bev Silk - 2005

    • Jennifer Darrell - 2006

    • Rosemary Dignam - 2007

    • Alex Ferguson - 2008

    • Suzanne Liptay - 2013

    • Anne Fenton 2014

  • A Horticultural Society honour. Criteria includes long time membership in a Society, preferrably a minimum of 15 years, and continued interest in horticulture.

    Life Membership Recipients

    • Bertha Beatty - 1998

    • Shirley Johnston - 1998

    • Doug Johnston - 1998

    • Mary Harnden - 2000

    • Murial Braham - 2001

    • Bea Prentice - 2001

    • Ted Beatty - 2002

    • Joyce Bryant - 2002

    • Carol Cragg - 2003

    • Gordon Ficko - 2003

    • Reni Parisius - 2003

    • Rosemary Dignam - 2007

    • Anne Fenton - 2016

    • Bev Silk - 2019

  • Presented at the Annual OHA Convention to one gentleman per year from all of Ontario.

    2001: Doug Johnson

  • Presented at the Annual OHA Convention to one or more people or groups per year from all of Ontario.

    2001: Bob Marshall

    2002: Murial Braham

  • Presented at the Annual OHA Convention to one or more people per year from all of Ontario.

    2012: Bev Silk

  • Presented at the Annual OHA Convention to one person per year from all of Ontario.

    2012: Bev Silk

  • Presented to one person per year from District 4 of the OHA.

    2003: Bev Silk

  • Presented to one person per year from District 4 of the OHA.

    2016: Bev Silk

  • Presented at the District 4 Annual General Meeting.

    • Carol Cragg

    • Shirley Johnston

    • Doug Johnston

    • Rosemary Dignam

    • Mary Harnden

    • Gordon Ficko

    • Bea Prentice

    • Bev Silk


President - Edith Kift
Secretary - Louise Sirtonski
Treasurer - Barbara Stanners

Alex Borowik
June Brown
Michelle & Ralf Busse
Christina WIlson

For more information, please contact the Grafton Horticultural Society or learn more about the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA).

Websites of Interest

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